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The Five Main Barriers to Practice Growth

Writer's picture: Dr. John Hayes Jr.Dr. John Hayes Jr.

The Five Main Barriers to Practice Growth
The Five Main Barriers to Practice Growth

Sometimes it’s habit. Sometimes it's pure laziness on the part of the owner. But I have found mostly over the years it is most commonly 1 or 2 of these 5 key items missing, or just broken. Here they are:

1. Inadequate Game plan for the “new rules”. 

Make no mistake about it. This is a new world. In fact, it's changed dramatically in the last year. And you know what? DPC practices still fared far better than many other private practices. Those practices that thrive are constantly evaluating and updating their game plans. A little dedicated time every week is key to making this your reality. 

2. Ineffective Systems

Don't go crazy here. Seriously though, in most practices, only a few key systems make the difference between success and failure. Most of us get into trouble when we don't look at private practice in this way. 

3. Poor staffing (skills, energy, attitude), and then not taking action to fix it. 

If you don't deal with this right up front by having clear policies and written procedures in place, you are asking for trouble. This by the way is one attorneys and of course, disgruntled employees love the most. 

4. Inadequate fees and collections.

Undercharging what you're worth is inviting disaster. Don't get me wrong, all of us will continue to go out of our way to help those who need us. But not having a menu like a fine restaurant Is so often a direct pathway to financial disaster. In DPC, this menu can be memberships, urgent care, added special procedures and so much more. 

5. Marketing (if at all) disarray. 

Pulling This off simply requires some quiet time for do-it-for-yourself introspection, and a complete "Blueprinting" of your practice.

Frankly, the only thing that will bring you much closer to your personal definition of success (in fact, it's the only thing that will create lasting change).

The very same skills that make you a great physician are probably impeding your practice growth, and this gets missed by many of us who become mired in the daily grind. 

This is also where some coaching can really help! Do not Underestimate the immense. value of working closely with somebody who has successfully helped many before you. 

Honestly, if you want a NO BULL approach to the way private practice really is today, then implementing this step-by-step approach will let you sleep better, accumulate personal wealth, and allow you to be the practitioner you aspired to before the onslaught of endless amounts of pure garbage hurled in your direction.

Remember success is ultimately your choice, but you need the right tools. And as Jim Rohn so aptly put it many years ago, "Don't wish things were different, wish you were better!"  And in DPC we can help make each other and entire communities better!

I wish you the best along your journeys.


The Five Main Barriers to Practice Growth


I'll continue Living & Practicing by Design in private health care as it was meant to be. How about you? Let's talk. To learn more, join me HERE

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