Seasonality. That's the word for how the seasons of the year and even natural cycles. So why is this important?
Simply because, seasons and cycles govern movement of the natural kingdom of animals, birds, and fish, and yes people!
Think about it. When you were a little kid did you act different knowing Spring, Summer or Winter was about to end or begin?
Of course you did. And if you ski, boat or otherwise play outside you still know exactly what I am talking about!
Astute marketers and private practice owners know that using seasonality, as well as Holiday’s to their advantage can have HUGE benefits in their practice growth. Think about what's on your patient’s minds at any given time of the year and compliment and embrace it with some internal marketing/promotion!
For example, every holiday season doing little extras for patients, things like personalized flyers, cards, refreshments or gifts even will not only grow your practice but can also make your patients life. This also encourages them to talk about their experiences and refer new patients to you when your colleagues are complaining about being slow "this time of year" too!
Now those who really master this also engage patients during the seasons of their lives-births, weddings and even at a time of grief. Because its good human compassion to do so but also good business.
And of course, we embrace seasonality. To count yourself in the ranks of the ultra successful private practice owner, you need to start thinking and planning in this way!
It could be you never thought about your private practice like this. If this is all new to you, you may want to consider some of our practice development seminars, trainings and other resources.
Just remember, these tips can be used year after year.
Time spent now building your annual holiday plan will have impact upon your private practice growth for years to come!