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  • Writer's pictureSakshi Singla

Is It Health Care, or a Different Business DPC’s Are Really In?

In DPC we frankly speak to each other about the harsh realities that private practice entails. This of course is in addition to all the awesomeness we would never trade!

What I’d like to talk about today, is something that should be obvious, but in medicine we are no longer trained this way. And that is, in a private practice, what is our real business?

Dan Kennedy once pointedly stated in his very blunt fashion the real business any private enterprise is in is the marketing business.

Let’s face it -unless patients know where, and who we really are and exactly what our skill sets are, there’s no way we can ever be successful. Today there are so many avenues we can use to accomplish this too! No doubt you already have or are building out a few!

It helps to look at it this way. Marketing and sales are simply forms of communication that allow us to maintain very enjoyable prosperous private practices and build to enjoy the lives of our dreams!

What disturbs us all is when the government or some third-party implies physicians somehow can’t manage or worse yet don't deserve this independence.

When I get frustrated, I find one of the most powerful things I can do is regularly think back carefully about how hard I have worked to attain the career status I have achieved today.

And so it is for you as well.

Make no mistake about it. All the time we spend with patients is in our peak earning years so why not just crush it every day?

There are more than enough tools here to get you launched and plenty of advanced training available!

Just don’t overlook how much of this is related to marketing and how particularly important this really is.

We are ready to help when you are!

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