An Incredible Opportunity for Your Practice.
One of the issues that too many private practice owners resist, and do not give nearly enough time to is telling your “story” personally.
This has always been true, especially for physicians. Now however, with the shift towards new, snippet-based social media platforms it is becoming more important than ever that you have a close and personal role in marketing your practice on and offline.
You are not alone if this makes you uncomfortable. There is, however, a way to make this amazingly simple. Simply think of your online engagement just like an off-line engagement.
For example, let's say you were invited to speak in front of a local group. You would show up well-dressed, polite, and ready to tell everybody where you are, what you do, and why you chose your career path. And this is something you cannot afford to have somebody do for you.
You must present yourself both on and off-line as unique, personable, and approachable. Just like you would as if someone were meeting you for the first time in your reception area, make sure your smile and friendly demeanor come across clearly. Don’t shy away from friendly interactions that enforce this perception with other people.
This is not someplace where you want to appear as a carbon copy or boilerplate. Too often, this will hurt you personally and professionally.
Now more than ever transparency is incredibly important.
Make no mistake, you can start today by warming up both your personal and online interactions with prospective patients, and other private practice professionals, in the community.