This is one of the most simple yet externally productive points any DPC practice owner can make. And now, is the very best time of year to do so.
You see, there is one very simple truth and that is disorganization and clutter fosters chaos, and organization fosters productivity.
In your practice, the organization also fosters cleanliness, helping you make an extraordinary impression on patients and other professionals alike.
Organization and cleanliness boost referrals and thus of course your revenue streams too!
For something so simple, why does this basic concept escape so many?
After having visited many private practices throughout my consulting career I can tell you the single biggest destroyer of organization is paper. After all, there are files, journals, faxes, reports, etc. It may break a habit but stop printing anything you don’t have to! The good news is with some very simple steps, you can make extraordinary progress.
Simply by organizing files, but most especially not saving and eliminating any paper you can make a huge difference.
One simple thing that helps is to have a specific file folder for things such as day sheets, and other business records which only need to be kept for relatively short periods of time.
Mark the end date on the outside and dispose of the file when it’s “expired”.
In this day and age, a high-capacity scanner with excellent software is one of the keys to organization.
This investment sometimes as little as $200 or less is worth many thousands of dollars to you! Personally, I am a big fan of Brother products and their simple scanning app which is easily updateable.
Be sure though you are only saving essentials as electronic clutter will come back to haunt you eventually.
At your fingertips, you must have a way to dispose of paper in HIPAA compliant fashion. Price this carefully as there are now many more inexpensive options.
Finally, set the stage for the future by minimizing the use of paper wherever possible for the rest of your life!
This is one move you’ll never regret.
"Clutter WILL Destroy Your Practice"